Monday, April 29, 2019



Red Brambleback OriginalSkin

Fore more details, see Red Brambleback and Cinderling.
Red BramblebackSquare Bramblebacks are magical fusion of flora and fauna native to Summoner's Rift. Despite its plant like appearance, having tree bark for its skin and leaves as fur, its behavior is very much of an animal reminiscent of a bear or wolf. The creature is powered by fire magic. Smaller forms of this creature are called CinderlingSquare Cinderlings.


Dragon OriginalSkin
DragonSquare Dragon above the Summoner's Rift

For more detail, see Dragon.
DragonSquare Dragons are winged, elemental-breathing reptiles that can reach near-giant sizes over their long, long lifespans, they are the indisputable ruler of the skies. Both fearsome and majestic, dragons have a society that revolves around strength and might and because of their egoistic and narcissistic pride, mixing their blood with that of races outside of dragonkind are seen as an abomination, a cancer that must be eradicated utterly. Many dragons persecute such defiled creations and their perpetrators to no end, a thing that ShyvanaSquare Shyvana, the Half-Dragon, and her deceased father found out firsthand.
There are five types of dragons:
The most powerful dragons have World Rune shards within them, which gives them their elemental powers.

Forest Chameleons

Forest chameleons are a quadruped lizard species native to Runeterra but are a common sight on Summoner's Rift. Their scales of an orange color and their eyes are light green. They can usually be seen on forest trees and rocks, where they blend very well away from dangers.


Ancient Krug OriginalSkin
An Ancient KrugSquare Ancient Krug and a KrugSquare Krug.

For more detail, see Krug.
KrugSquare Krugs are magical fusion of flora, fauna, and rock native to Summoner's Rift. Despite its rock like appearance, its behavior is very much of an animal reminiscent of a bear, wolf, or a bettle. The creature is powered by nature magic. Larger forms of this creature are called Ancient KrugSquare Ancient Krugs.

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