Monday, April 29, 2019



Summoner's Rift Minimap
Summoner's Rift Minimap

The objective of Summoner's Rift is simple – destroy the enemy nexus. In order to do this, champions must traverse down one of three different paths (or lanes) in order to attack their enemy at their weakest points they can exploit. Both teams have their lanes defended by numerous turrets; each turret grows in strength the closer it gets to its respective nexus and each turret must be eliminated in order to gain access to the next turret in that lane. Cooperating with fellow summoners is an absolute requirement for success, as it is easy for a champion to find themselves ambushed by enemies in the lanes of the Rift.


Baron Nashor Vs. Team
Fight Against Baron Nashor

  • 19000 unit distance from Blue Team Nexus Obelisk to Red Team Nexus Obelisk (measured with CaitlynSquare Caitlyn's Ace in the Hole Ace in the Hole).
  • Three lanes to fight your way to the enemy base.
  • A forest populated by neutral monsters of varying degrees of toughness, the toughest of which provide buffs and/or gold for your whole team.
  • Powerful turrets defend key areas on the map. You must confront these in addition to your enemies if you are to make headway toward victory.
  • A map dividing river that lies in neutral territory, allowing for quick travel between lanes.
  • Two bases at opposite corners of the map, populated by a shop, a Nexus, two turrets to defend the nexus, two base gates that only the team aligned with the base can pass through, and inhibitors that suppress the other team's minions.


  • The Summoner Rift concepts are usually done before Riot make 3D in-game models. Sometimes they will make a concept, but it does not work in the game. Examples: The design is hard to click on; Or it does not fit the environment; Or it does not look like tanky enough; or look weak enough; The creatures have to look, in relation to each other; at the correct power level or defensive power level. An environment piece has to be visually appealing but not distracting to champions or effects. All the concept work is about trying to answer those questions. Does it work with gameplay? Does it fit the big picture? Art serves gameplay.
  • A Raptor, Forest chameleon, and Antlermice can be seen in Kog'MawSquare Kog'Maw's classic splash art.
  • The stag symbol of the Protectorate looks similar to BraumSquare Braum's shield.
  • The owl symbol of the Magelords looks similar to the Porowl, a species of owls that live in Summoner's Rift.
  • Summoners Rift Shopkeepers will be getting their Voice-over in future game patches, similar to the Howling Abyss shopkeepers.
  • This map has ties with the Protectorate and Magelords showcased in AatroxSquare Aatrox's retconed lore.
    • Later on the map was made part of the Marauder / Warden alternate universe which is closely connected to Protectorates and Magelords.

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